Saturday, 23 July 2011

Oh, come on!

Anyone remember the post about my legacy blog? Yeah well... its up. Actually its been up for a loooooong time...

I have TWO followers. TWO. I thought, "Hey, some people read this, right?" So I wanted to let readers know, I NEED MORE READERS. Please, please, please. I work so hard on it but no one reads it. Here is the link;

I look forward to seeing you there, please leave comments on there follow it, please.

ILY bai x

Saturday, 9 July 2011

The Pinot Noirs ;; Post 1

:3 It's Pinot Noir time baby! :3

And there they are! (Can you see them?) There little thought bubbles should give it away. :3 Anywayz, there they are walking into their little 'Rose Cottage', which is a pre-made house that comes with the Generations EP. And if you know me well, you'll know I cant build a house without it looking like a big fat box. :\ So here they are! I better introduce them:

Left: Merlot Pinot Noir, right: Blueberry Pinot Noir. (Yes there married.) They are like SUCH a cute couple IMO. Although it is rather disturbing how Merlot just happens to be staring at her forehead. :\ Here's everything you need to know about Merlot:
Good Sense of Humour
Great Kisser
LTW: Master of The Arts
And here's everything you need to know about Blueberry:
LTW: Hit Movie Composer (Music Career Symphonic Branch)

She looks absoloutely hypnotized. Naww <33 And he's still looking at her forehead. :\ Way to ruin a moment Merlot! (gah) Is Blueberry going cross-eyed??? Wow sims do know ways to ruin heartfelt moments.

It was sorta heartfelt... Until this. :\ Blueberry accused Merlot of being a work-a-holic and then Merlot accused Blueberry of not working enough! I mean geez, Merlot doesn't even have a job! (...Yet... Speaking of which neither does Blueberry.)

Sims scare me for life. Especially these two. Seriously. No apoligies exchanged, nothin'. She just kissed him. Well, she might have asked him something too. ;)

Why so smiley guys? THERE WAS NO CHIMES! No happy time! Me no happy until you make babies, got it? *Headdesk*

Yanno the saying 'Third Time Lucky!' ? It's true, it really is! That's right... I HEARD CHIMES! :3 I'm really excited, but let's hope the babies dont have a genetics FAIL. There are some pictures on the Merlot topic on TS3 website, and some people had babies with teeth sticking out of their bottom lip, eyebrows at the very top of their forehead and so on. One of my babies with this guy was a Genetics Fail also. :\ But I must think positive. ^-^

Then after their fun they decided to have a jam session on their guitars... They played the "Blues" heheh. Just because of the fact that Blueberry is Blue! Heheh, I crack myself up. Heheh, heheh, hoo. -_-'

When the sky darkened Blueberry went off to have a bath while Merlot cooked dinner, and oh-so-smart Merlot burnt it. -_-' Well, they seemd to enjoy it anyway because of the plain fact they were starving. And apart from the burnt meal it was quite nice. :3 They talked about Simma Lisa and blue sparks flew.

I just wanted to show off the two and their lives. :3
A mini-legacy no less. So, yeah... I will post more, just 'cause I'm bored. Later! x


It has been a loooooooong while. Well anyway, my next big bunch of posts will be about my new family, the Pinot Noirs. Now, anyone who knows berrypie27 from will KNOW about berry sims, she has one called Merlot, who is quite the crowd favourite. So she uploaded him to the exchange, and now everyone is making berry sweets with him etc.

So, yeah. I decided to have a crack at it. :3