Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Medieval Screenshots II

Here are some funny (well attempted) screenies of some of my more medieval sims...

"Are you seriously still watching me? Stalker."

"OH! MY plumbob is showing, how embarrassing!"

Okay here's a little story to this one. June, (above) was always my favourite sim, so when I found her in the sim bin, I was delighted!

Me: JUNE! I love you and missed you!
June: What the hell do you want.

Stay tuned for my next post! =]

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Photo Shoot II

Here is the second photo shoot with Dehlia ;;

Sorry for terrible quality, I have a weakness for editing, I use internet programs. x]

Photo Shoot I

This is the first photo shoot I have had with my new model sim, Dehlia Blott. She is a teenager, and for a sim with no cc what-so-ever, I think she is simply stunning.

Don't get me wrong EA hair is nice. ;]

How I wish I could have a real sims magazine, it might happen soon... *hint hint*

Heheh, look out for my next post, maybe again tonight with another Dehlia Photo Shoot, or maybe tomorrow, anyways, later! :]

p.s: It was my birthday yesterday 14th of May, no sims products. :(

Monday, 9 May 2011

The Sims Medieval Screenies =)

Here are some screenies of The Sims Medieval. Lettin' you know these pictures are mine, so please do not claim them.. ;]

This is my bard, Tasmin. Notice her awesomely awesome plumbob. ^-^

Tasmin playing the lute.

Tasmin talking to Lord Orlando The Great - My Monarch.

Cooking up a storm with my wizard.

Casting a 'Delightful Fireworks' Spell. (Doesn't look so delightful)

Making a batch of medicene with my Physician.

And lastly a beautiful view of the kingdom. (:

Hope you enjoyed the pics! ;]

Look out for another post from moi! xx

Saturday, 7 May 2011

I am in the progress of a new blog! (:

I know what you're thinking...


Yes. Already. :]

I am making a legacy blog! (:

I think if I make a legacy blog it will spice this blog up a little and give me more to talk about. :]

Here's a sneak-peek of the legacy...

Yupskies. That's the founder.

I know I'm not the best comedian, but I will see how it goes. (:

The Best Website To Find Great CC For All 4 Sims Franchises.

The Best Website to find great cc is by far


It contains thousands of lists of great cc that is SAFE. I get all my cc from there. If you are having trouble with cc download from there! ;]

The Giant Sweep, and an important message!!! (:

I have just conducted...


Which is basically just a fancy name for deleting all my cc. :[

This is all due to the sims 3 website exchange. Do not download anything from the exchange unless there is a forum topic about the sim which contains all the cc included. From my recent experience I have found that cc from the exchange can be BAD. :[

I know it's not such of a big deal, but having my sims wearing clothes in the shower... I'm not a fan of it. It gets rid of the realism.

And here is a big deal which A LOT of people complain about and suffer from...


There is quite a bit of clothing out there on the exchange which are quite stylish, but the mesh artist may have been too lazy, too absent minded, or just plain evil, and they may have saved the clothing choice for all ages, and all outfits.

Which means your sims may turn out like this...

Please note: This picture is not mine and I do not claim it in any way.

Notice the toddler there. ;]

SO BE. CAREFUL. I am begging you, I do not want you to have the same experiences that I have. So choose creator's blogs, over the exchange. ;)

Thanks for reading this extremely long post. ;]

Please comment, subscribe, yadayada... And look out for my next post! ;]

Welcome to my blog! (:

Haiiii :]

Welcome to my new blog, All 'Mah Sims. This will have everything to sims updates, to news, to my recomended cc, to gameplay pictures! I hope you enjoy, comment, and follow my blog. (: