Saturday, 7 May 2011

The Giant Sweep, and an important message!!! (:

I have just conducted...


Which is basically just a fancy name for deleting all my cc. :[

This is all due to the sims 3 website exchange. Do not download anything from the exchange unless there is a forum topic about the sim which contains all the cc included. From my recent experience I have found that cc from the exchange can be BAD. :[

I know it's not such of a big deal, but having my sims wearing clothes in the shower... I'm not a fan of it. It gets rid of the realism.

And here is a big deal which A LOT of people complain about and suffer from...


There is quite a bit of clothing out there on the exchange which are quite stylish, but the mesh artist may have been too lazy, too absent minded, or just plain evil, and they may have saved the clothing choice for all ages, and all outfits.

Which means your sims may turn out like this...

Please note: This picture is not mine and I do not claim it in any way.

Notice the toddler there. ;]

SO BE. CAREFUL. I am begging you, I do not want you to have the same experiences that I have. So choose creator's blogs, over the exchange. ;)

Thanks for reading this extremely long post. ;]

Please comment, subscribe, yadayada... And look out for my next post! ;]

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